Statements under section 27, indian evidence act: admissibility and ambiguities
The genuineness of statements made to police officers has long been doubted given the historic distrust of the persuasive powers of the police.... Read more.

Need for sentencing guidelines in india
The Supreme Court in 1975 had observed that ‘sentencing involves an element of guessing.’ More than 40 years later, this statement still rings true as there... Read more.

Criminalizing adolescent sexuality – The protection of children from sexual offences act and the rights of adolescents
The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 was enacted with a view to protect children from different forms of sexual abuse and to provide for c... Read more.

How chanting Ram and Bhagavad Gita gifted by a Sufi dacoit helped a Chambal bandit in prison
According to Titli Bai’s statement, Muskan had snatched the gold chain from her neck and cackled, ‘Give me that, whore!’... Read more.

“Digital Courtesans”- The case for decriminalizing online sex work in India
Though these apps are slowly gaining currency in India, there is comparatively little domestic discourse on the subject. Reports show that due to social distanc... Read more.

The Gujarat goonda bill and the PASA amendment act: Potential tools of oppression
The Government of Gujarat has, in the recent past, been enacting legislations with startling frequency in an attempt to make society safer and to deal with anti... Read more.

Facial recognition and rights of the accused
In response to a recent petition before the Delhi High Court, the Central Government through the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and the National Crime Records B... Read more.

Torture in dreamland: disposing of the ticking bomb
Henry Shue, ‘Torture in Dreamland: Disposing of the Ticking Bomb‘, Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law, 2006 The most common debate on... Read more.

In 2018, India saw the issue of sexual violence against young children come into the limelight after a series of cases were highlighted by the media.... Read more.

Prisoners’ right to wages: A small boat carrying ashore the many goals of the system
The main objective of India’s penal policy is reform and rehabilitation. Providing prisoners with opportunities to work, and earn, helps in realizing this pol... Read more.